Welcome to pawnlib’s documentation!

# Latest version: 1.1.6

♟️ Pawnlib

A collection of libraries that can be used like pawns on a chessboard. Pawnlib is a collection of libraries for IaC.

utils, globals vars, logging, http, network, pretty printing, resource, converter …

Build Docker Images Docs pages-build-deployment

PyPI version

Installing pawnlib

  • Installing pawnlib

pawnlib is available on PyPI:

pip3 install pawnlib

pawnlib with wallet is available on PyPI:

pip3 install pawnlib[wallet]

Global Config

  • Global Config

You can use the global config.

from pawnlib.config.globalconfig import pawnlib_config as pawn
from pawnlib.output import *

def main():
    current_path = get_script_path(__file__)
    log_time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'
    app_name = "default_app"
    stdout = True
            log_time_format=f"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f",
        PAWN_DEBUG=True, # Don't use production, because it's not stored exception log.

    pawn.console.log("START APP")

app builder

  • app builder

You can create a simple application based on pawnlib with the command below.

$ pawns init
[10:35:21,837] main_cli wrapper                                                                                               main_cli.py:117
[10:35:21,840] args = Namespace(proxy=None, init=Namespace(command='init')), command = init                                   main_cli.py:119


___.         .__.__       .___
\_ |__  __ __|__|  |    __| _/___________
 | __ \|  |  \  |  |   / __ |/ __ \_  __ \
 | \_\ \  |  /  |  |__/ /_/ \  ___/|  | \/
 |___  /____/|__|____/\____ |\___  >__|
     \/                    \/    \/

 - Description : Initialize Python Development Environment
 - Version     : 0.0.28
 - Author      : jinwoo


PWD = /Users/jinwoo/work/python_prj/pawnlib

What's your python3 app name? (default_app):
What's your name? (jinwoo):
Please explain this script. (This is script):
Project directory => /Users/jinwoo/work/python_prj/pawnlib ? [y/n] (y):
Do you want to logger? [y/n] (y):
Do you want to daemon? [y/n] (n):

simple reflector proxy

  • simple reflector proxy

Simple Python HTTP Server which reflects the client HTTP request header in server logs to see the header fields forwarded by web servers.

$ pawns proxy -l 8080 -f
[10:34:33,898] main_cli wrapper                                                                                               main_cli.py:117
[10:34:33,902] args = Namespace(proxy=Namespace(listen='8080', forward='', buffer_size=4096, delay=0.0001,      main_cli.py:119
               timeout=3), init=None), command = proxy


_____________  _______  ______.__.
\____ \_  __ \/  _ \  \/  <   |  |
|  |_> >  | \(  <_> >    < \___  |
|   __/|__|   \____/__/\_ \/ ____|
|__|                     \/\/
                _____.__                 __
_______   _____/ ____\  |   ____   _____/  |_  ___________
\_  __ \_/ __ \   __\|  | _/ __ \_/ ___\   __\/  _ \_  __ \
 |  | \/\  ___/|  |  |  |_\  ___/\  \___|  | (  <_> )  | \/
 |__|    \___  >__|  |____/\___  >\___  >__|  \____/|__|
             \/                \/     \/

 - Description : proxy reflector
 - Version     : 0.0.28
 - Author      : jinwoo


[10:34:33,904] args = Namespace(listen='8080', forward='', buffer_size=4096, delay=0.0001, timeout=3)              proxy.py:173
[10:34:33,905] Listen => Forward


  • httping

http module offers a streamlined and efficient way to perform HTTP requests and handle responses.

$ pawns http


.__     __    __         .__
|  |___/  |__/  |_______ |__| ____    ____
|  |  \   __\   __\____ \|  |/    \  / ___\
|   Y  \  |  |  | |  |_> >  |   |  \/ /_/  >
|___|  /__|  |__| |   __/|__|___|  /\___  /
     \/           |__|           \//_____/

 - Description : This is a tool to measure RTT on HTTP/S requests.
 - base_dir    : /Users/jinwoo/work/python_prj/pawnlib
 - logs_dir    : /Users/jinwoo/work/python_prj/pawnlib/logs

 - Version     : 1.0.84
 - Author      : jinwoo


[11:25:46,975] Invalid url: name=default, url=
usage: local_cli.py [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-v] [-q] [-i INTERVAL] [-m METHOD] [-t TIMEOUT] [-b BASE_DIR] [--success SUCCESS [SUCCESS ...]]
                    [--logical-operator {and,or}] [--ignore-ssl IGNORE_SSL] [-d DATA] [--headers HEADERS] [-w WORKERS] [--stack-limit STACK_LIMIT]
                    [--dynamic-increase-stack-limit DYNAMIC_INCREASE_STACK_LIMIT] [--slack-url SLACK_URL] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [-bk BLOCKHEIGHT_KEY]


positional arguments:
  url                   URL to be checked

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to the configuration file. Defaults to "config.ini".
  -v, --verbose         Enables verbose mode. Higher values increase verbosity level. Default is 1.
  -q, --quiet           Enables quiet mode. Suppresses all messages. Default is 0.
  -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        Interval time in seconds between checks. Default is 1 second.
  -m METHOD, --method METHOD
                        HTTP method to use (e.g., GET, POST). Default is "GET".
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Timeout in seconds for each HTTP request. Default is 10 seconds.
  -b BASE_DIR, --base-dir BASE_DIR
                        Base directory for httping operations. Default is the current working directory.
  --success SUCCESS [SUCCESS ...]
                        Criteria for success. Can specify multiple criteria. Default is ["status_code==200"].
  --logical-operator {and,or}
                        Logical operator for evaluating success criteria. Choices are "and", "or". Default is "and".
  --ignore-ssl IGNORE_SSL
                        Ignores SSL certificate validation if set to True. Default is True.
  -d DATA, --data DATA  Data to be sent in the HTTP request body. Expected in JSON format. Default is an empty dictionary.
  --headers HEADERS     HTTP headers to be sent with the request. Expected in JSON format. Default is an empty dictionary.
  -w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
                        Maximum number of worker processes. Default is 10.
  --stack-limit STACK_LIMIT
                        Error stack limit. Default is 5.
  --dynamic-increase-stack-limit DYNAMIC_INCREASE_STACK_LIMIT
                        Dynamically increases the error stack limit if set to True. Default is True.
  --slack-url SLACK_URL
                        URL for sending notifications to Slack. Optional.
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Log level.
  -bk BLOCKHEIGHT_KEY, --blockheight-key BLOCKHEIGHT_KEY
                        JSON key to extract the blockheight information, e.g., 'result.sync_info.latest_block_height'. The script will check if the blockheight at
                        this path is increasing.
  --dry-run             Executes a dry run without making actual HTTP requests. Default is False.

This script provides various options to check the HTTP status of URLs.

Usage examples:
  1. Basic usage:
        pawns http https://example.com

  2. Verbose mode:
        pawns http https://example.com -v

  3. Using custom headers and POST method:
        pawns http https://example.com -m POST --headers '{"Content-Type": "application/json"}' --data '{"param": "value"}'

  4. Ignoring SSL verification and setting a custom timeout:
        pawns http https://example.com --ignore-ssl True --timeout 5

  5. Checking with specific success criteria and logical operator:
        pawns http https://example.com --success 'status_code==200' 'response_time<2' --logical-operator and

  6. Running with a custom config file and interval:
        pawns http https://example.com -c http_config.ini -i 3

    success = status_code==200
    slack_url =
    interval = 3
    method = get
    ; data = sdsd
    data = {"sdsd": "sd222sd"}

    url = http://httpbin.org/post
    method = post

    url = http://httpbin.org/status/200
    success = status_code==200

    url = http://httpbin.org/status/300
    success = ['status_code==300', 'response_time<0.02']

    url = http://httpbin.org/status/400
    success = ["status_code==400"]

  7. Setting maximum workers and stack limit:
        pawns http https://example.com -w 5 --stack-limit 10

  8. Dry run without actual HTTP request:
        pawns http https://example.com --dry-run

  9. Sending notifications to a Slack URL on failure:
        pawns http https://example.com --slack-url 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/...'

 10. Checking blockheight increase:
        pawns http http://test-node-01:26657/status --blockheight-key "result.sync_info.latest_block_height" -i 5

Officially supports Python 3.9+.


Documentation and tutorials are available at https://pawnlib.readthedocs.io

Indices and tables